Authoring Terrains with Spatialised Style

Simon Perche1, Adrien Peytavie1, Bedrich Benes2, Eric Galin1, Eric Guérin1,
1Univ Lyon, INSA Lyon, LIRIS,
2Purdue University

An editing session showing the result of the inversion of a draft sketch as input, and then some editing is done to turn the canyon into a valley. Finally, the user changed the style of the right part of the scene to emphasise the mountain range


Various terrain modelling methods have been proposed for the past decades, providing efficient and often interactive authoring tools. However, they seldom include any notion of style, which is critical for designers in the entertainment industry.

We introduce a new generative network method that bridges the gap between automatic terrain synthesis and authoring, providing a versatile set of authoring tools allowing spatialised style. We build upon the StyleGAN2 architecture and extend it with authoring tools. Given an input sketch or existing elevation map, our method generates a terrain with features that can be authored, enhanced, and augmented using interactive brushes and style manipulation tools.

The strength of our approach lies in the versatility and interoperability of the different tools. We validate our method quantitatively with drainage calculation against other previous techniques and qualitatively by asking users to follow a prompt or freely create a terrain.



  author    = {Perche, Simon and Peytavie, Adrien and Benes, Bedrich and Galin, Eric and Guérin, Eric},
  title     = {Authoring Terrains with Spatialised Style},
  journal   = {Pacific Graphics},
  year      = {2023},
